RAISE Your Hearts provides compassionate bereavement care and well-being  programs for every family member that has experienced infant loss in the United States.



RAISE Your Hearts empowers every family member to meaningfully navigate life after the death of an infant, together with the support and guidance of a welcoming community, encouraging resources, and compassionate care.



Every family member touched by infant loss will be able to meaningfully navigate their grief journey with the support and guidance of a welcoming community, encouraging resources, and compassionate care.  

Every healthcare provider touched by infant loss will be equipped to provide compassionate grief support for grieving families.


Our Brand Heart

RAISE Your Hearts Rallies Around family, loved ones, and caregivers following Infant Loss through Support and Education.



Grieving is healthy, natural, and necessary. Grieving an out-of-order loss such as an infant dying can create complicated grief. It’s important to understand that grief is a lifelong journey rather than steps to overcome.

William Worden is a psychologist who encourages interaction with and acknowledging grief in its ever-evolving cycle. He created the Four Tasks of Mourning with the understanding that we can continuously interact with each one while still having a positive relationship with grief. Like Worden, our goal is to help you engage with grief so that you can adapt and keep moving forward without feeling as though you are leaving grief or your loved one in the past. We have added icons representing the four connections to wellness because at RAISE Your Hearts, we believe you must actively engage your heart, mind, soul, and strength to work through Worden’s Four Tasks. This is your Badge of Courage.

Healthy grieving is hard. But then, the things we cherish most bear the greatest cost and take the greatest effort to nurture. So, don’t let the hard work of healthy grieving scare you from progress. Together, with the connections to wellness through RAISE Your Hearts and Worden’s Four Tasks of mourning, you can establish a solid footing in your journey through grief.

Board Members



Founder, Chair, CFP®, BFA™, & Grief Support Specialist

I created RAISE because every family member deserves to have compassionate support while navigating life after the death of a child. Together we will create synergy between wellness and grief.


Vice-Chair, Yoga Teacher, & Owner of Superhuman Soul

I believe in the healing power of building awareness and community based support, and I wholeheartedly support RAISE’s programs to do just that.


Secretary, & Leave of Absence Claims Mentor

I support RAISE because I’ve witnessed family members, friends, and colleagues try to find their way through life after experiencing the loss of a child and believe these programs provide the supportive community we all need.



Marketing Manager (I make things look pretty!)

RAISE Your Hearts supports all family members and allies navigating the difficult landscape of childloss.



Mom and Elementary School Teacher

The work of RAISE Your Hearts touches me on several levels. Knowing dear family & friends who experienced childloss coupled with my son's health struggles, I want to support and help families any way I can.



Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse, Clinical Educator, Professor of Nursing aka Baby Whisperer

I hold RAISE close to my heart having watched families, personally and professionally, deal with the heartbreaking loss of a child.


Clinical Mental Health Counselor in Training

I support RAISE because healing happens when we work together. I've witnessed transformation happen when the right support is provided and I believe in the RAISE community mission to empower you to create meaning after loss.

Jason - Board Emeritus

Owner of Rory’s Rustic Creations, & IT Master

When life knocks you down, you can choose to be bitter or better. I choose to be better for myself, my family, and every family faced with childloss through RAISE Your Hearts.